One killed as vehicle overturns in Aweil East County – Sudans Post

Northern Bahr el Ghazal Map Northern Bahr el Ghazal Map


Northern Bahr el Ghazal State map [File]
Central Equatoria State map [Getty Image]

AWEIL EAST – One person was killed when a vehicle twice overturned in Aweil East County of South Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal State on Saturday, an eyewitness told Sudans Post.

The incident on Akon-Wanyjok road involved a vehicle coming from Warrap State.

The deceased was allegedly attempting to board the vehicle that overturned.

Joseph Agorong, an eye witness, blamed the incident on the driver’s negligence.

“He overturned twice and what took us aback was how he mishandled the car as there was no any other car or bus over taking him. He was just alone,” he said.

Agorong said the vehicle was heading to Majok-Yithiou, which borders Sudan.

Most accidents in South Sudan result from poor roads and negligence of drivers.


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