MP Proposes Motion for Accessible Public Buildings for PLWD

assembly assembly

MP Proposes Motion to Enhance Access for People Living with Disabilities

Naomi Hisiaha, representing Lopa County in Eastern Equatoria State, presented a motion in Parliament aimed at improving access to public utilities for People Living with Disabilities (PLWD).

During Monday’s session, Hisiaha emphasized the need for language interpreters in the House and advocated for the incorporation of ramps and elevators in building designs to facilitate easier access for PLWD.

She urged the House to summon the Minister of Housing and Public Utilities to address the absence of such facilities in public buildings, hospitals, government offices, and transportation hubs.

Additionally, Hisiaha called for the TNLA to set an example by making the Assembly more accessible to PLWD through the installation of interpretation facilities and provision of sign language interpreters.

Highlighting the challenges faced by PLWD in South Sudan, Hisiaha underscored the need for government action beyond reliance on international aid organizations.

In response, the Speaker of the Assembly, Jemma Nunu Kumba, pledged to address accessibility concerns by installing an elevator in the parliament building. She also committed to engaging relevant ministries to develop policies ensuring future buildings consider the needs of people with disabilities.